Centro Ciência Viva da Floresta
Estrada Nacional 241, Moitas
6150-345 Proença-a-Nova
NIPC: 506998070
Opening Times
Centro Ciência Viva da Floresta
Terça a domingo (incluindo feriados) das 09h30 às 18h30
Horário de Verão
(junho, julho, agosto e setembro)
Terça a sexta das 09h30 às 18h30
Sábados, domingos e feriados das 10h30 às 19h30
O Centro encerra ainda nos dias 24, 25, 31 de dezembro e 1 de janeiro
* chamada para a rede fixa nacional
O Posto de Turismo de Proença-a-Nova, situado no Parque Urbano Comendador João Martins, funciona também como posto de venda e de informações.
Product obtained by distillation with steam cistus from native species. 100% pure. No additives.Known as tissue regenerator, astringent, the essential oil of es..
Product obtained by steam distillation of eucalyptus from native species. 100% pure. No additives.
With a refreshing aroma and deodorant, eucalyptus is one of ..
Product obtained by steam distillation of lavandula pedunculata from native species. 100% pure. No additives.
The rosemary, abundant in our fields in the sprin..
Product obtained by steam distillation of pine from native species. 100% pure. No additives.The fresh scent of pine is one of the most characteristic odors of o..
Product obtained by steam distillation of rosemary from native species. 100% pure. No additives.
Rosemary essential oil has stimulating properties for the brai..
The scents of the forest transported to your home. These scented bags made by Centro Ciência Viva da Floresta with dried lavender flowers are a natural alternat..